Donor Stories Details

Nested Adoption Solutions

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Female Musical Ability: Average
Male Athletic: Athletic
Male Occupation: Law enforcement
Female Reasons for donating: Family building complete.
Female Reasons for donating: Donor Egg Questionnaire: I decided to become an egg donor because I wanted to help another family experience the joy of having a child. Over the past year or so, my best friend has struggled to conceive and I watched her and her husband go through a lot of pain and disappointment. It made me want to help another family who is going through the same fertility issues. Also, the fees that would potentially be paid for my egg donation would really help out my family. I think this process would be mutually beneficial.
Female Reasons for donating: ‘Having my daughter has been an amazing heartfelt adventure. I feel as though experience has made me a happier and more appreciative individual. I have always been a giving person and I believe that any woman who wants to experience the entire process of motherhood deserves that chance. This is my way of helping their dreams come true.”

*These notes are selected at random from different profiles. Refresh this page to see six new randomized notes from donors.

Embryo Adoption Program Details
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