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Embryology Notes

Successful Pregnany?

Embryo Thaw Rate

Female Eye Color

Male Eye Color

Female Hair Color

Male Hair Color

Female Race

Male Race

Female Education

Male Education

Female Religion

Male Religion

Embryology Notes: Donor Sperm, Vitrification
Female Donor Characteristics
Height: 5'5"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Race: White
Education: Completed high school
Religion Born Into:
Male Donor Characteristics
Height: 5'11"
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Race: White
Education: Completed 4-year college
Religion Born Into:
Embryology Notes: Donor Sperm, Vitrification
Female Donor Characteristics
Height: 5'4
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Race: White
Religion Born Into:
Male Donor Characteristics
Height: 6'3
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Race: Black or African American
Education: Completed 4-year college
Religion Born Into:
Embryology Notes: Donor Sperm, Vitrification
Female Donor Characteristics
Height: 5'5"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Race: White
Education: Completed high school
Religion Born Into:
Male Donor Characteristics
Height: 6'1"
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Education: Completed advanced degree
Religion Born Into:
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