Give Hope, Create Life, Build a Family Today

Empowering families through embryo adoption—turning dreams into reality.
Recipient family from embryo adoption and IVF

Have you ever wondered what inspires families to donate embryos? It’s the compassion to give life another chance. With every adoption, a dream of parenthood is realized, and a new life begins its journey.

Real Stories from Generous Donors

Couple discussing embryo adoption
Family Building is Complete

Female Reasons for donating: Unfortunately waited too long to begin conception and my body just can't go through a frozen embryo transfer and carry a pregnancy.

Male If you could write a message to the child born through your participation as a donor for when they turn 18 years old, what would you like to say: I hope you are proud of where you have come from and I want you to shoot for everything you can imagine. Dream big and do big!

Embryo Adoption vs. Traditional Adoption


Cost-Effective and Accelerated Adoption Process

Donor embryo adoption offers a more affordable and quicker path to parenthood compared to traditional adoption methods:

  • Lower Costs: Donor embryo adoption is approximately one-third the cost of traditional adoption, which typically ranges from $30,000 to $60,000 (NerdWallet). Our complete fee for the entire embryo adoption process, including all fertility procedures, is $16,500. See the full Program Fee Overview here.
  • Faster Timeline: Our embryo adoption process, from initial paperwork to frozen embryo transfer, can be completed in as little as two months.

In contrast, traditional adoption processes can take significantly longer:

  • Domestic Infant Adoption: Generally takes about 1 to 2 years to complete. (Tulsa Law Firm)
  • International Adoption: The timeframe varies widely, typically ranging from 1 to 4 years. (

These factors make donor embryo adoption an appealing option for those seeking a more cost-effective and expedited route to starting or expanding their family.

Traditional Birth Experience

You can choose whether or not to share how you became pregnant—it’s entirely up to your personal philosophy. Friends, relatives, and co-workers don’t need to know unless you want to tell them. There will be plenty of family photos showing you during pregnancy, and the baby’s birth certificate will automatically list you as the parent—you delivered your baby!

Embryos in our program are legally owned by Nested Adoption in partnership with Fertility Treatment Center. Donors cannot reclaim embryos, oocytes, or any resulting children, and recipients cannot seek parental support from donors. We also offer open donations, ensuring compliance with legal and security standards.

You Control the Pregnancy

With traditional adoption, the prenatal history is often unknown and may involve medical complications or exposure to harmful substances. In contrast, when you become pregnant through Nested Adoption Solutions’ donor embryo adoption program, you can directly manage your prenatal care to support the healthiest possible outcome for your baby. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle—avoiding smoking, drugs, and alcohol—and receiving proper prenatal medical care.

The embryos in our program come from couples who have undergone IVF or Donor Egg IVF at partner facilities. Following FDA guidelines, they are prescreened for health factors such as hepatitis, HIV, and other communicable diseases.

Non-Profit Support

We’re excited to announce our collaboration with Future Mothers of America, a dedicated non-profit working with fertility providers nationwide to save embryos from destruction and promote embryo adoption as an empowering alternative to traditional adoption. Together, we aim to give these embryos a chance at life while helping hopeful parents fulfill their dream of starting a family.

Learn how you can support this important mission—every contribution helps us expand our efforts and bring awareness to embryo adoption across the country.

By adopting embryos, you’re giving them more than just a chance at life; you’re offering them a loving home, a future full of possibilities, and the chance to grow in a family where they’ll be cherished.

Senior Embryologist Examining Frozen Embryo Tank at Nested Adoption Solutions
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